Exchange | Price | Pairs | 24h Volume | Volume % | Trust Score |
Pairs | Liquidity Balance | Exchange | Network | Total Liquidity |
Date & Time | Type | Price | Total | Amount IMX | Maker | Txns |
Category | Percentage |
Tokenomics refers to the economic and financial aspects of a cryptocurrency
Token distribution refers to the process of allocating or disseminating tokens within a blockchain or cryptocurrency network.
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The live price of Immutable is at 1.27 with 24 hours volume of 29,643,045. The total circulating supply of Immutable token is 1,605,299,431.3898141 IMX and the max supply is 2,000,000,000 IMX.
Over the last 24 hours, Immutable token experienced trading activity amounting to 29,643,045. The decentralized exchange (DEX) volume accounted for 0, while centralized exchanges (CEX) stood at 29,643,045.
Immutable (IMX) token reached an all-time high of 9.52 on and an all-time low of 0.38 on .
Falling -96.03% from its ATH is a Disappointment, Rising +2418.15% from ATL is a major correction to the next appreciation.
Immutable is a deflationary cryptocurrency with a max supply of 2,000,000,000 IMX with 1,605,299,431.3898141 IMX in circulation.
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