The live price of Kaspa is at 0.1046 with 24 hours volume of 53,025,718. The total circulating supply of Kaspa coin is 25,730,586,152.133945 KAS and the max supply is 28,704,026,601 KAS.
Over the last 24 hours, Kaspa experienced trading activity amounting to 53,025,718.
Kaspa (KAS) reached an all-time high of 0.2074 on and an all-time low of 0.000171 on .
Dropping -49.57% from its ATH is a significant retracement, yet a rise of 61055.68% from its ATL projects robust recovery.
Kaspa is a deflationary cryptocurrency with a max supply of 28,704,026,601 KAS with 25,730,586,152.133945 KAS in circulation.
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Kaspa (KAS) is a layer-1 blockchain, which describes itself as the fastest, most scalable, and most secure data processing and crypto-transacting blockchain. It runs on a GhostDAG protocol, which allows multiple blocks to be processed and arranged in the blockchain without orphaning anyone.
The project utilizes a proof-of-work mechanism combined with DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph—a data structuring tool) to provide more security and efficiency while maintaining a high block rate of one per sec and aiming for 10/sec or 100/sec.
Yonatan Sompolinsky launched Kaspa on 7th November 2021, and its genesis block (first block) was created on 8th November 2021 with a maximum supply of 28.7 billion KAS coins it is an open-source, decentralized community project
Kaspa is designed for users who need transactions to happen fast and efficiently without compromising on security. It consumes low power for mining, which is accessible to small miners and reduces the impact on the environment.
Kaspa operates on the GhostDAG protocol, which allows the processing of multiple blocks and orders them to the blockchain without ignoring any block. This structure has helped with the fast generation of blocks, ensuring the network is safe, while a single chain of blocks is seen in most of the crypto projects.
A genesis block is created, and multiple blocks are arranged to it simultaneously, certifying that all the blocks are in a valid chain. Each connected block points to the multiple previous blocks, which helps to validate the blocks without conflict.
KAS Coin is a cryptocurrency of the Kaspa project; its use cases include,
Peer-to-peer fast transactions: Kaspa has enabled day-to-day fast transactions for normal people with its increased block rate from 1 per sec to 10 per sec.
Reward miners: Kaspa is used as a reward to incentivize the miners to validate the transactions.
A fair launch occurred where no pre-mine or pre-sale of KAS coins was conducted, allowing anyone with the mining capabilities to go through the mining process and earn the coins as a reward.
KAS was initially listed for trading on 7th June 2022 for $0.0002 on the TxBit exchange. As of 2024, it reached an all-time high of $0.2074 on 1st August 2024 and an all-time low of $0.000171 on 26th May 2024.
Kaspa coin is listed for trading on 50+ exchanges, out of which 25+ are centralized and three are decentralized.
Some of the most commonly used centralized exchanges supporting Kaspa (KAS) are Bybit,, KuCoin, MEXC, and CoinEX.The decentralized exchanges supporting Kaspa (KAS) are SmartDEX, ViteX, and OpenOcean.
A wallet is an application designed to securely store private keys and cryptocurrencies. It allows users to send, receive, and manage coins.
Some of the best wallets supporting Kaspa are Tangem, Kaspium, KDX, Zelcore, Kaspa Web Wallet, and OneKey.
As per Coinpedia, after analyzing the historical price movements of Kaspa (KAS), it is anticipated that by the end of 2024, it will reach a high price of $0.35 and a low price of $0.12.
Kaspa (KAS) 2025:
For 2025, the Kaspa (KAS) price is forecasted to vary between $0.5 and $0.18.
Kaspa (KAS) 2026:
In 2026, Kaspa's (KAS) price will fluctuate between $0.85 and $0.35.
Kaspa (KAS) 2027:
Kaspa's (KAS) price for 2027 is projected to move between $1.15 and $0.55.
Kaspa (KAS) 2028:
Looking forward, Kaspa's (KAS) price for 2029 varies between $1.50 and $0.75.
Kaspa (KAS) 2029:
In 2029, Kaspa's (KAS) price will reach a high price of $1.80 and drop to $0.95.
Kaspa (KAS) 2030:
Finally, Kaspa's (KAS) price for 2030 is expected to range between $2.10 and $1.20.
Date & Time | Type | Price | Total | Amount KAS | Maker | Txns |
Moving Average
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